Wednesday, June 8, 2011

"Miles To Go"

Here you go with another book that I have read. I just finished reading Richard Paul Evans' book called "Miles to Go." It is part of "The Walk Series." I don't know how many books this series will have but it is definitely a book worth reading. Richard Paul Evans is a good author. This book is kind of sneaky. I would think, oh I will just read to the end of this chapter and then I would find myself reading the chapter after that. I guess you can say that it is another book that I did not want to put down too much. The friend who loaned it to me, said that this book is slower than the first book, "The Walk." I found them both to be compelling and interesting. Of course, I have to wait until next year for the next one to come out. And of course, it ended with a big question mark!! (or should I do this ??) It ended leaving me totally wondering... Who is this in the book?

As a side note as well... this book makes me curious how the author researched for this book. Maybe I will have to look that up as well. It is an interesting concept, a man that starts to walk. He starts out with not much at all. He finds a lot along the way, surprisingly builds relationships and learns things about himself and others. All in all this is a good book and I am looking forward to the next one in the series to come out in April of 2012.

"The Dashwood Sisters Tell All"

Last Friday, I started reading "The Dashwood Sisters Tell All." Well later, in the day I finished reading this book. I read it on the bus to and from work, then I was doing laundry and just could not put it down. I stayed up late to get it done. It is so fun to have a book to read like that. Something I just can't put down!

My mom used to say that I should not read so fast.

Some books I just can't stop until I am done and this was one of them. This author has some other books along the Austen theme that are great as well. The others are "Jane Austen Ruined My Life" and "Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart."

This was a book about sisters(of course!), romance, discovering yourself, and some Jane Austen facts thrown in. After reading this, it makes me want to do a tour like the sisters did in this book and see those sights in England.

Friday, May 27, 2011

"The Help"

I have been wanting to read "The Help." Thought it sounded good, but just hadn't bought it yet. I saw a trailer for the movie. So I thought I would check it out again. I got on the Nook to browse and ended up buying it.

What a good book!! So powerful too. It made me think about how people are treated and how they have been treated. I like how in the book the author says we are all people. We do not know what others are going through. Characters in the book though that they knew each other and it showed that they didn't.

This was a book that I was just hooked in from the first page. It was great! I can't wait for the movie to come out. I hope it is good.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Haven't Written But I Have Read

I know that I have not written in a LONG time!! I have been adding to my list of books that I am reading. That is all I have done on this blog lately!! It is crazy I know. I have good intentions and then they haven't panned out. I will write when I have some time. I guess I better make some time really soon!

So this entry is short and sweet!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Books Books Books

Ever since I got the Nook it is way too easy to get books. I keep telling myself to stop! I will be more disciplined. I love my Nook but I have so many books now! Since I haven't blogged in awhile I thought I should add to my list of books that I have read so far this year. I was sick last week and if I was not sleeping, wiping my nose, going to the doctor, or watching a movie, I was reading. (Don't forget drinking plenty of liquids!!)

I found a new author to read during that time. I think I might have read one of her books before last week but I am not sure. It has been awhile since I blogged! I have lost track. Aside from that, the author's name is Kristan Higgins. I feel I have to warn people though that her books do contain swearing (use of the F word) and sex (I would not call it trashy). Her stories are lighthearted, humorous, and well written characters. The stories do have a lot of similarities, such as the heroines usually are close with their families, live back east (a few in Maine). One theme that Higgins likes is how a "hero" someone who is perfect. Or has the heroine just made him perfect in her eyes? When someone else comes along there might be someone better and someone who is real. Higgins probably likes "Pride and Prejudice" because the meeting of the two meant to be together usually starts on rocky territory. Then again who does not like a Mr. Darcy story once in awhile. If you know me at all, you know that I do!! So needless to say I enjoyed the books by Kristan Higgins.

Two other books I added are by Marcia Lynn McClure. She is a favorite author of mine. Her books are a great escape. I have definitely needed that with the stress of work!! It makes me smile just to type this, but you can always count on Marcia Lynn McClure for some great kisses! The other main ingredient to any of her books, is our hero to take of his shirt! I know, how silly, but very fun to read!! In "Kiss in the Dark", there is a scene in the book where three of the male characters take their shirts off!! That made me laugh, it was so cute!

"Not Just Make Believe" is a book that I found just through a search with the Nook. Darn old Nook drawing me in. It is just to easy to buy these books. I am having fun though... I am supposed to be telling you a book... Right! "Not Just Make Believe" is just a cute book. I know I have said this before! So many of the books I read are cute. This is a good one though. The heroine is a plus size girl and I like a story with a real character. She was not perfect and she is insecure. Remember me calling the story cute, though. It is not believable story I know that but I did enjoy reading it and that pretty important.

Reading is fun. Reading can be an escape. Reading can teach us things. Reading can make us laugh, make us think... Reading is so cool!

Now the question is, what should I read next?

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Contradiction

Yep today is Valentine's Day. Valentimes Day. Single Awareness Day. Halloween. Whatever you want to call it. Those are just a few of the names I have heard for this day.

I like to say "Valentine's Day, I spit on you." Then I would make a spitting sound. Very ladylike, I know! That is the way I feel and I believe in honesty.

Even though I say that I still made cookies and brought them into work. You have to celebrate once in awhile. It is fun to find the fun even in a day like Valentine's. So that is why I know I am a contradiction.

The cookies turned out really good. So I thought I would share the recipe in my blog.

I found this recipe in a holiday recipe book my friend Jennifer made for me. It is from Whitney, her sister-in-law and just a cool person.

Whitney's Sugar Cookies

1 1/3 cups shortening
2 cups sugar
4 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
4 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup milk
1 tsp salt
6 cups flour

Mix ingredients well in the order listed above. (If you can, do not stop mixing.)

Roll & cut thick.

Bake at 350 for 7-10 minutes.

Frost and enjoy!

The people at work loved them!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

"Charlotte Collins" by Jennifer Becton

I finished another book. I just could not put it down! It was "Charlotte Collins" by Jennifer Becton. I found it, thanks to the Nook. I love that thing, but then you already know that if you have read my other blogs.

I am sucker for anything Pride and Prejudice related. I love the movies and the books. I am not so much of a purist that it only can be a book for Jane Austen herself. Those characters are wonderful and it is great to read other stuff. Some better than others, but doesn't that go without saying? (I did just say it, or rather wrote it, typed it, whatever.)

This book is about Elizabeth Bennett's friend Charlotte Lucas, who marries the terrible Mr. Collins. Don't worry that the book is about Mr. Collins, it is not!! The book starts with the funeral of Mr. Collins. So Charlotte is now single and trying to figure out her life. Still not wanting to be a burden on her parents. Her sister Maria is in this story and Charlotte agrees to be her chaperone so that Maria may have a social life. They go through some trials and of course go to a ball or two, and you must have a game of whist thrown in there as well. This is a really good read. It was fun to have Charlotte's character developed further. I know it is someone else's interpretation and not Austen's. I thought the author did a good job with what Austen detailed in Pride and Prejudice about Charlotte. She chose for her time. Women did not have a lot of choices. Reading books about this era really make me grateful. They make me think of what women went through. So much was decided for them. They did not have a lot to pick from. I see why Charlotte would have chosen what she did with Mr. Collins. Those choices led her to what happens in this book. It is right in the vein of Austen though because the end is good. It ends with love for Charlotte, she deserves it!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Tonight I just finished reading "Annexed" by Sharon Dogar. It is historical fiction. A book I found on (Barnes and Noble). When I read what it was about I thought that the author was taking on a lot. It is fiction but she has created the story from Peter van Pels' point of view. Peter is the Peter from "The Diary of Anne Frank." I wondered why she would attempt such a thing because it is not like you could interview anyone. "The Diary of Anne Frank" is one of my favorite books of all time and because of that I enjoy reading about that time period. It is amazing to me what people did and what they sacrificed. Historical fiction is great too, for the fact that it makes dates in history more real for me. It is not just a bunch of facts. These are things that people went through. It makes me think more and maybe understand a little.

This book was good and moving. At first, the author portrayed Peter as a love sick teenager who might not have made it to the Annex, because he thought about running. I wondered about her portrayal, but Peter was 17 when he went into hiding. That would be a time for a boy wanting to fight and wanting to show how grown up he was. Peter worries that he will never do things in his life, but faced with your own mortality, I think that is natural. Those things made sense.

The ending definitely packed a punch. I am done with my crying now. I don't know how you can read stuff like that and not be affected. Terrible things happened.

One passage that really hit home was one thing Peter said to Anne "That's all I want to be. Peter van Pels. Not Jewish, not Dutch, not German, just me!" I know it is fiction and I don't if Peter actually said that to Anne, but it touched me. I am sure others have thought it.

The book is only 209 pages but wow, talk about heavy stuff. For my next book, I need to find some lighter reading.

Books are awesome though... what more can I say!
I am sure I could think of something, but I will stop for now!

Silly Books

Books 8, 9, and 10, I feel like are silly books, but what fun reads. More books on the Nook. I love that Nook! Best Christmas present I bought myself!! (hee hee) Back to the books...

I started with the first one and just had to read the second. Then when I was checking for the third, the stars were aligned or something because I could purchase it as a pre-sale. It was being released the very next day. That was great because you know when you are reading something and just can't put it down? That was like that... I started reading the first book because I had a bad dream and had to get something else in my mind or the bad dream would start again. Sounds weird, I know but I have had some bad dreams lately and it seems to help. Anyways after that I was hooked.

I titled this, silly books because they are kind of silly. Lucy Valentine's family owns a matchmaking business. Their abilities in matchmaking are so wonderful due to a blessing by cupid himself centuries ago. Lucy's abilities have been skewed after a power surge when she was fourteen and on the phone. She can't match people up but only find lost things when touching someone's hand. There is some romance in there too. The heroine is afraid of commitment because along with the blessing from cupid, there is a curse. No one in her family has been able to have a relationship that lasts. Of course, there is a man in the story and she is afraid. There are some shall I say steamy parts... I guess that is what makes this book my guily pleasure. (Yikes, did I admit that?)

They are just so fun, I couldn't stop!! I am hoping for a fourth book! She still has not gotten over her commitment issues... Will she?

bye for now

Monday, February 7, 2011

"I Am Number Four" by Pittacus Lore

Last week I finished reading "I Am Number Four."

What a good book! It is about aliens. I never thought I would get into this sci fi business but I am totally hooked. I enjoyed it. It was entertaining to read from a boy's perspective. Most of the young adult stuff has a female protagonist(is that the right word?), that I have read.

I don't want to give the story away but I totally recommend anyone reading it.

The movie is coming out next week. It looks good. It is always fun to see how the special effects work with what you read and how different parts of the book are interpreted on screen.

This book is a start of a series, so I have to wait for the next one to come out. That should be a good read as well.

later, tater!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Not a Teenager

Monday night is the night for "Pretty Little Liars." It is one of my favorite shows. I know I am in my late thirties and watch it. It is like my guilty pleasure or something. It comes on at 6 on ABC Family. Not really a show for the a family network. I really question the title of ABC Family. A new kind of family they say, it definitely is. The show is totally a soap opera complete with a girl coming out of the closet, a murder mystery, another character trying to have a relationship with a teacher, and another character that is supposed to be dead texting everyone. That isn't even all of it. It is crazy, I know but I can't stop watching. I love it!! It has suspense, mystery, and a story about friends. I haven't figured out who "A" is that is texting everyone, that is why I have to keep watching!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

3 Movies in 1 Weekend!

Well I hadn't blogged about the book I had finished. So I did that but I wanted to blog about my weekend too! I just did not want these things in the same blog.

I saw three movies this weekend. Three that I had not seen. One in the theater and the other two in my comfy recliner.

Friday night, I worked until 5 because we are short staffed right now. So I met up with Jennifer and we headed to The District. I felt so old! All the teenagers in the area were hanging out there. I am not sure what they were going to see, maybe a new horror movie. Which I am too much of a chicken to see in the theater or at home!! Yikes! I did not even like to see the trailers on tv. I mute them or change the channel!

Jennifer and I saw the new Narnia move. I know that "Voyage of the Dawn Treader" has been out for awhile but I had not seen it yet. If you like the Narnia movies, you will like this one too. What a great adventure movie. I even have a great quote from the movie for you: "Extraordinary things happen to extraordinary people." A mouse says it to a boy who had been turned into a dragon but it is still a great quote. And if you know me, you know that I love a good quote!

On Saturday, Melissa from work came over and we Redboxed some movies. She brought Knight and Day. I had not seen that and it was good. Tom Cruise is way cute and really crazy. It was a fun show to watch.

I Redboxed Salt and Just Wright. Since I had seen Salt before we ended up watching Just Wright instead. It was Queen Latifa. That was a cute show. I liked it. Even thinking of buying it sometime.

It was a fun weekend spent with friends. I can't believe it is the last weekend of January. The holidays seem so long ago now, if that is possible...

Hasta la pasta!

Jane Eyre

I finished Jane Eyre! I thought it would take longer. Sometimes I cannot get through classic literature like I can other things that I read. (Should I admit that!) I really enjoyed it. Seriously! I even stayed up late finishing the book. I even cried at the end. It is such a beautiful story. Charlotte Bronte is a great writer. I know classic literatrue, of course she is a great writer.

The last time I read Jane Eyre I was in high school and do not remember liking the book that much. One of those that you 'have to' read type of thing. I decided to read this because I saw that it is coming in theaters soon. So I thought that I should re-read it.

I made it through and am now working on my next book. This one is not an e-book. I am now reading, "I Am Number Four."

Until later!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Tonight I made some cookies to take to work. I have a new employee starting tomorrow and we are short staffed right now. We are actually going to get 'shorter staffed' if that is a word or phrase. We have a woman going out on maternity leave and tomorrow is the first day of that. So it has been crazy at work and it is going to be crazier!!

So I thought I would share the cookie recipe. Here it is:
Allison's Mrs. Fields Cookies (from the DMBA cookbook)

1 cup butter
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
2 1/2 cups oatmeal
2 cups flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 bag semi sweet chocolate chips
1 1/2 cups chopped walnuts

Cream butter, brown sugar, eggs, and vanilla. Set aside. Mix oatmeal, flour, salt, baking soda, and baking powder well. Add to butter mixture. Mix well. Add chocolate chips and nuts. Mix well. Ball the cookie dough into golf ball size and place on greased cookie sheet.

Bake at 350 for 11 minutes. Let the cookies sit on the cookie sheet for a couple of minutes. Move cookies to a cooling rack to cool before storing them. Makes about 4 dozen.

Just a note: This is how I made them. My cookies were smaller than a golf ball size but I ended up with about 4 dozen. This recipe is actually cut in half from what is listed in the book. They turned out pretty good, even if I did make them myself!!

Have a great week. I will try to do that myself!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

More Books

Ok I have to admit I am a sucker for a cute romance novel. I am also a sucker for a free book to put on the Nook. So that is why I added some books on my listing for the year.

"Stuck in the Middle" by Virginia Smith is a fun book. It is a story of a middle sister, another Christian lit book. You could term this as chic lit. I am ok with that. They are fun to read. This is another romance, but still a little more than just that. The main character really thinks about her beliefs and what she wants in her life. It is a fun book and was free!

"A Very Special Delivery" by Linda Goodnight was another free book. I went a little crazy one weekend when I was sick and did a bunch of reading. This is one of those "Love Inspired" books, if you know what I am talking about. Just means it is clean and Christian. No I am not converting. I am a Christian, just not in the "I am saved" whatever... I do respect people having good values... Sorry to get off the topic. This book is another easy read on a "sick day". Maybe even a snow day because it starts out in a snow storm.

"Homespun Bride" by Jillian Hart is another romance. (I was kind of on a rut that weekend) This is another just easy read. It is kind of interesting though because the main character is now blind. She still had her independence and I liked that. It is another "love inspired."

"Hide in Plain Sight" by Marta Perry is set in Amish country. I enjoy reading about the Amish. This was not about Amish people but people that lived by them. One character makes furniture in the Amish tradition. So not enough Amish in this story for my taste. It did have a bit of mystery with it and that was good. I like mysteries as well.

Sometimes I just do not have enough to read. A few weekends ago, that was the case. I just wanted to read anything I could get my hands on. I was not feeling well so I did not want anything too taxing, so that is why I went for what is listed above. I just go in spurts of wanting to read all the time, on the bus, at home, before I go to bed... I have even gotten up in the middle of the night and read a few pages. Books are great!!

Right now I am working on "Jane Eyre." That will take longer than a weekend! I also want to read "I Am Number Four" before the movie comes out.

If you have any good book suggestions, let me know!

P.S. Do you even post script on blogs? Well anyway, I usually don't blog this much, but I thought if I was going to list the books I needed to write something about them!!

Good night for now!!

Nook Books

Merry Christmas to me. I bought myself a Nook Color this last year for Christmas. It is so cool!! I love it!

I love the buying books on the Nook. It has Wifi and that is fun too. They even have WIFI on UTA. How cool is that? I can read or surf the web while riding on I-80.

So I am going to keep track of the books that I have read this year. A friend of mine had a goal last year to read 50 books. I don't have a number in mind, but I just want to see how many I read.

Here is my first: "Fools Rush In" by Janice Thompson

This was free on the Nook but I am glad I got it. I even bought the other two books in the series. That is how much I liked the book and even better because the first one was free.

A little synopsis of the book:
The main character is Bella and her parents run a wedding planning business. Her parents just gave everything over to her and now it is her first wedding. She goes through some stress of planning. This is Christian literature so there is a little of that thrown in. Her family is Italian and a little crazy, complete with a talking parrot that her uncle tries to convert. There's a little romance in the mix too. I always like that. It is a sweet story. Just a fun read and sometimes that is just what I need.

I liked it. It was an enjoyable story with fun characters. I could picture this book like a great show to tune into. The chapters are named after Dean Martin songs. The aunt and uncle are always arguing about who is better Dean Martin or Frank Sinatra. It made me think of Return to Me. "Who would be your dream team?"

This book is definitely a keeper. It is on the Nook, so I could read it again, but I don't think I have time for that. I have too many other books to read!!

Until later, alligator!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tomorrow is Another Day

Here I go with two posts in one day. I can't believe it either!!

No work today so I thought I should actually get some stuff done around the house. I did not do much this weekend, so I got some laundry done. That is something. Like Scarlett said, tomorrow is another day!

I did some shopping in little Tooele. I went to one of my favorite stores, Homebodies. Such a cute store and the nicest woman that owns the shop. I picked up a few things. Whenever I go there, I can't help but get a few things. If you are ever in Tooele, you should go, it is a great place.

Also I went to another shop that right downtown. It is "Sweet Lizzies." I had not been there before but wow, it is great. It is a candy store like no other. Or at least I haven't been to a candy store like that in a long time. (Which is a good thing, by the way!) It is a cute shop with candy that I had not seen in a long time. As well as some candy that I had not seen before. It is cool, you can buy candy by the pound or they have these great little $1 bags ready to go. I went a little nuts on the $1 bags. I got some chocolate covered Rice Crispies, chocolate covered cake pieces, chocolate covered mini Oreos, pomegranate Jelly Bellys(very good!), and gummy raspberries. I probably should not go there too often!!

Here is my yuck moment of the day... I am online in the dating world. (A lot of good it does me! (sarcasm)) I am online on Plenty of Fish (it is free and the name is great) and I am on e-Harmony. I go to check my e-mail today and I see that I have a message/flirt on Plenty of Fish. It is one of those, this guy wants to meet you. I have had a few of those recently and I have written the guy back without any results. So I thought I will write this guy. I thought, I will just see. I get a message back from him that he is still married and his intentions are not good! YUCK!!! I wrote him back to say that I was not that type of girl and I could not wish him luck because I just couldn't!!! (Usually when I write back to say I am not interested, I wish good luck) This guy definitely does not need luck, he needs a divorce or his wife is the one that needs the divorce! That just makes me mad!

What would Scarlett say? Tomorrow is another day!

I don't know what movie it is, but other things come to mind about that guy, but I am not that type of girl! (smile!)

Until later...


2011... I cannot believe it is here. I know you are saying it is the middle of January, Lesley, of course it is here. You have heard this all before, where does the time go and time flies... blah blah. I know!! I say it all the time too! I cannot believe it is the 17th of January. I haven't blogged in forever! A friend of mine reminded me of that a few days ago. So this is my start for the year. We will see how it goes. I don't know how well I am going to do with this.

I haven't really made any goals for the year personally. At work I have made some goals. I am having more team meetings to take advantage of the time and to work on training opportunities. I am trying to get up to date since the holidays. It is taking me awhile on that.

Personally, maybe this blog will be a goal. I am not promising anything though. (smile!)

Until later... I don't want to write too much, who knows who reads this? ha ha!!