Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Give Me 5

Ok I know I am copying Melissa, but imitation is the most sincere form of flattery and she has good ideas!

5 things I was doing ten years ago:
This is hard! I hope I am getting the time frame right.
1. I moved to Rexburg, Idaho. (Iceburg, ID)
2. Moved to my first apartment all by myself!
3. Attended a family ward.
4. Quilted a lot!
5. drove a Ford Tempo, the little bluebird

5 Things on My To Do List:
1. Get Organized
2. Make pies for Thanksgiving
3. Pack for my trip to Idaho
4. address Christmas cards
5. laundy?

5 Snacks I like:
1. chips and salsa
2. cookies
3. chocolate
4. crackers
5. ice cream

5 Things I Would Do If I Were a Millionaire:
1. Set Up a Shelter for the Homeless
2. Move to Idaho
3. Go Back to college
4. Save
5. Invest

5 Places I Have Lived:
1. Burley, ID
2. Salt Lake City
3. Stansbury Park
4. Murray
5. Rexburg

5 Jobs I Have Had:
1. Team Leader
2. Red Hanger Associate (cleaner outer of pockets, yuck!)
3. ZCMI associate in the luggage department
4. Claire's Boutique
5. Mormon Handicraft

There's some random information about me for you!
Have a happy day!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The 8 Things Tag....

8 TV Shows I Love to Watch:
1. Ugly Betty
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Gossip Girl
4. Ghost Whisperer
5. 90210 (I know I am not 14, but so!)
6. Life on Mars
7. King of Queens
8. Dancing with The Stars

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Cafe Rio
2. Bajio
3. Cheesecake Factory
4. Panda Express
5. Rumby
6. California Pizza Kitchen
7. Cracker Barrel
8. Ixtapa

8 Things That Happened Today:
1. I went to work
2. I missed the bus
3. I drove to work
4. ate lunch
5. went to a meeting
6. laughed
7. listened to music
8. drank Diet Coke to keep me going!

8 Things That I Look Forward To:
1. Twilight Movie
2. Going home for Thanksgiving
3. Christmas Season coming!
4. Christmas baking!
5. New Year Coming
6. Getting my craft room organized, whenever that happens!
7. Christmas music!
8. Visiting family at Christmas

8 Things on My Wish List:
1. travel to Europe
2. a love life!!!
3. go to cooking school
4. pay off my house
5. get an MBA
6. move to Idaho
7. travel more
8. be organized

Ok 8 things are a lot of things to come up with! That was hard! But yeah! Twilight is almost out!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Family Weekend

I had another fun family weekend. My nephew Shane was blessed and what a great experience. My dad blessed him. Shane is so special he has everyone loving him. How could you not? But it is fun to see. Grandpa says that we spoil him but he is right there spoiling Shane too! It is cute to see my parents as grandparents.
Even my oldest brother is getting in on it. When he goes to town with my mom, he is always finding stuff to get for Shane. A lot the toys are not age appropriate for a three month old, but he has good intentions. Mike told Shelly that he needs to figure out what he can give Shane for Christmas. It is a lot of fun to have a baby around.