Wednesday, June 8, 2011

"The Dashwood Sisters Tell All"

Last Friday, I started reading "The Dashwood Sisters Tell All." Well later, in the day I finished reading this book. I read it on the bus to and from work, then I was doing laundry and just could not put it down. I stayed up late to get it done. It is so fun to have a book to read like that. Something I just can't put down!

My mom used to say that I should not read so fast.

Some books I just can't stop until I am done and this was one of them. This author has some other books along the Austen theme that are great as well. The others are "Jane Austen Ruined My Life" and "Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart."

This was a book about sisters(of course!), romance, discovering yourself, and some Jane Austen facts thrown in. After reading this, it makes me want to do a tour like the sisters did in this book and see those sights in England.

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