Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I am supposed to write a letter to myself when I was thirteen...



Don't be afraid to be yourself! Have fun. Laugh and make memories. Make friends, do things.

It is hard to write to your younger self, because they say that hindsight is twenty/twenty. So maybe I should write this and take it to heart now.

I am glad that I do not have to be thirteen again. What is it that the little girl says in Hope Floats? You spend the rest of your life trying to get over your childhood. A thing that I have learned is that each time of life can be fun. Be yourself! No one is better qualified. Someone said that once, but I can't remember who. Be it thirteen or thirty-four if you want something go out there and get it. Work! Try! Live! Laugh! Love! Life is great! We are meant to have fun. We are meant to learn and grow. Not that it is easy, but you have to keep at it!

End note: I guess I am part of the blogging world now! Thanks, Jennifer. She tagged me and now I am hooked.


Jennifer said...

Welcome, welcome!! Isn't it fun to blog!

Whit said...

Welcome. Love your letter.