Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Yard Work

Last night I worked in my yard for the first time this year. I know, I know... I am behind! I got some bark over the weekend. There was an area in the yard that really needed to be patched where the bark was supposed to be but wasn't. So I worked on that. Then a neighbor of mine came over and chatted and helped me. She is great. I am so grateful for good neighbors. Her little girl came with her. She is two and half and the cutest thing. Even she was pulling weeds. What a good mom my neighbor is to teach work and service to her beautiful little girl. So we got more done than just me alone. It looks much better. Now if I could just find a way to exterminate all morning glory my life would be great! ha ha!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

This is why I live in a condo!! Good luck with the morning glory, it's a beast!!